
Campus Services Are Available When You Need Help

You may be living on your own for the first time when you go to college, but that doesn't mean you're alone. Most colleges offer campus services that students can use when they need help with personal, social, health, financial, or other issues. Here are some examples of what you might find:

Residential Services

Dorms and other campus housing options usually have resident advisers (RAs). These are generally college juniors or seniors who live in the residence hall and act as counselors, among other roles. Your RA can talk with you about any issues you're having, in or out of class, and direct you to other campus services that can provide help.

Counseling in Colleges

If you're having a tough time coping with stress, speaking with a mental health counselor at your college can help. Counselors can help if you feel isolated or depressed or have other personal issues you want to work through. Colleges may offer free counseling for a set number of sessions or semesters. If you need more than that, they can refer you to off-campus mental health professionals.

Health Centers

The doctors and nurses at on-campus health centers provide medical services and education. They can treat illnesses and injuries, give immunization shots, and perform medical tests.

Religious Centers

At most colleges, you can get counseling from members of the clergy. Some campuses have representatives of many different religions.

Financial Aid Office

Financial aid officers can explain your financing and loan options. They’re experts at finding ways to pay for school and can introduce you to strategies you may not have considered. They can also answer questions about the Federal Work-Study Program, which offers some students the chance to have a part-time job as part of their financial aid package.

Information Technology Support

As a college student, you'll rely on computers, Wi-Fi, and other information technology. Staff members are available at most colleges to help you with your internet connection and network access to keep you online and on track.

Career Centers

Career centers offer tests that can help you find careers that match your interests and provide information about the types of jobs available to graduates in your field. The centers offer guidance on writing résumés and practicing for job interviews. They often aid students seeking their first job after graduation, too. They usually maintain a job board and other employment resources. Colleges often allow graduates to return to use these resources if they need them later in their careers.

Commuter Services

Your college may have special services for commuters (i.e., students who don't live on campus). These services may include student lounges, help to find off-campus housing, commuter parking, and clubs for older adult students.

Other Student Services

any colleges offer services for students with special circumstances. Examples include international students, students with disabilities, students with children, and students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.


Do colleges offer free therapy?

Many colleges and universities offer free or low-cost therapy services for students needing guidance or help. Students can sometimes find these services through a college’s counseling or mental health center, and they can enroll in individual or group therapy, workshops, and support groups. Besides this, some colleges offer teletherapy or online counseling services, which can be helpful for students who are unable to attend in-person sessions.

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What are the benefits of free therapy for college students?

Free therapy can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues and promote a culture of self-care and well-being on campus. These services can be beneficial for students who may not have the financial resources to pay for therapy on their own. They can encourage students to seek help when needed and provide them with the support they need to succeed academically and personally.

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How do colleges handle confidentiality when counseling students?

Confidentiality is a critical aspect of mental health services on campus, and most colleges and universities take steps to protect students' privacy. Mental health professionals on campus are bound by strict ethical and legal standards that require them to maintain the confidentiality of their client's information. All information shared during therapy sessions, including personal details and concerns, is kept strictly confidential and isn’t shared with anyone without the student's written consent. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as when a student poses a threat to themselves or others or the therapist is required by law to disclose information.

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What types of programs are typically offered by campus group services?

Campus group services can be an ideal resource for students looking to get involved on campus and connect with others who share their interests or experiences. Peer support and mentoring programs are often available through these services. These programs allow students to connect with peers and build a sense of community. Leadership and skill-building programs are also common. They help students develop important professional and academic skills through public speaking, project management, and team-building activities. Advocacy and activism programs are also often available. They provide students with opportunities to advocate for social or political causes, raise awareness of important issues, and make a difference in their community.

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When should I seek help on campus?

You should seek help on campus if you’re struggling with personal, academic, or emotional challenges that affect your well-being or ability to function effectively. Common signs that you may need help include feeling overwhelmed, falling behind in coursework, experiencing traumatic events, struggling with addiction or harmful behaviors, feeling disconnected from others, having difficulty managing time or staying organized, dealing with physical health issues, or feeling uncertain about the future. Many campuses offer a range of services and resources to support student well-being, including counseling and mental health services, academic support programs, and career services.

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