Help your students take the right first step after high school.

BigFuture for Educators

BigFuture Helps You Help Students

BigFuture is a free online resource that helps students plan for college, pay for college, and explore careers. Plus, when students complete steps to plan for their future, they can earn the chance to win $40,000 scholarships.

College Planning Resources

Explore resources written with your future in mind.

Get Personalized College Options

Explore over 3,600 college profiles with reliable information about campus life and admissions provided by colleges themselves.

Plan for College

Find Scholarships and Financial Aid Resources

Search over 24,000 scholarships (vetted by the National Scholarship Providers Association). Explore resources about financial aid and paying for college.

Pay for College

Match with Careers Based on Interests

Access over 1,000 career profiles with state and national information about income, job growth, and common education level.

Explore Careers

Connect with Colleges Through Student Search

Students who are contacted by colleges through Student Search receive, on average, 29% more offers of college admission.

Connect with Colleges

BigFuture Toolkit for Counselors

Use these free counselor resources to help your students learn more about planning for life after high school. You’ll find PowerPoints, lesson plans, handouts, and demos.


More Opportunities for Students

Resources to Empower Black Students

Connect Black students and families with Black college and career reps.

Real Talk

Leadership Opportunities for Your Students

Students can build leadership skills and motivate peers to use BigFuture. Sign up to receive emails sent to Ambassadors at your school.

BigFuture Ambassador Program

Free Virtual Community Events

Connect your students with college and career experts to get questions answered at free virtual community events.

BigFuture Live

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