College Board National Recognition Program

Recognizing Talented Students

These awards recognize the exceptional academic achievements of students across the country. 

✦ Details about the 2025 program and criteria will be available later this Spring. ✦

What are the National Recognition Programs?

This program awards academic honors that recognize the achievements of 10th and 11th graders across the country, based on exceptional performance on PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10 and/or AP Exams. 


Why Submit for the National Recognition Programs?

It Helps You Get Recruited

Many colleges intentionally recruit awardees.

Show You're a Top Student

Receiving recognition is a way for you and your community to celebrate your achievements.

Explore Your Options

You may find out about colleges you didn’t know existed or wouldn’t have considered.

The College Board National Recognition Program is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by National Merit Scholarship Corporation or the National Merit Scholarship Program.