
Major: Entrepreneurial Studies

There are times when people recognize a need in society. While some people debate the problem and why it exists, others decide they want to solve the issue. The latter are entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurial Studies is a major that challenges students to think creatively and analytically. Students learn how an idea goes from being a concept to becoming a product or service. Although business principles, theories, and applications are required, there’s no formula for entrepreneurial success. Many businesses fail, so entrepreneurs must have the ability to persevere despite setbacks. Confidence, creativity, and critical thinking are skills students need to major in Entrepreneurial Studies. 

Entrepreneurship requires an innovative mindset. As a student in this major, you must factor in your responsibility to people and the environment. You’ll learn the various aspects of starting your own business by taking business, finance, marketing, and technology courses. 

What does an Entrepreneurial Studies major study?

  • Business Finance
  • Principle of Accounting
  • Business Law
  • New Venture Planning
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Human Resource Management
  • Operations Management

What can I do with an Entrepreneurial Studies degree?

Your degree will prepare you to see societal gaps and provide bridges as resolutions. As an entrepreneur, you’ll drive economic growth, promote productivity, and stimulate competition. Your ground-breaking, one-of-a-kind business can provide a good or service that can help improve society. With your Entrepreneurial Studies degree, you can pursue the following positions:

Specializations for an Entrepreneurial Studies major:

  • Environmental Issues
  • Innovation
  • Management
  • Technology 
  • Product Development

What are the requirements for an Entrepreneurial Studies degree? 

Review the department requirements at your college or university. Meet with your advisor for academic advice. Completing internships throughout your undergraduate studies will also help sharpen your skills and give you experience in the different aspects of entrepreneurship.


What colleges offer a Major in Entrepreneurial Studies?