Real Talk
Explore HBCUs
Update your college list and explore Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), including schools accepting the Common Black College Application (CBCA).
Curious about the Common Black College Application (CBCA)?
Did you know you can apply to dozens of HBCUs at one time using only one application? Tap the video and hear from Robert Mason (Founder and CEO, CBCA) on how applying to HBCUs using the CBCA can save you time and help you secure scholarship money!
Hear from Historical Black Colleges and Universities, Directly
Real Talk’s HBCU content just for you!
Tap in and hear from HBCU Presidents, Admission Officers, and Students on how to find your HBCU home after high school.
Campus Visit Checklist
The academics, the facilities, the campus life. So much to see! This checklist can help you decide if the college is right for you.
Learn MoreCampus Visits: Know Before You Go
Exploring campuses is well worth your while. These visits are a great way to get a feel for what college is like and decide which school is right for you.
Learn MoreFor Parents: How to Plan a College Visit
Do you want to know how to make a college list? A list can help you find colleges that will fit you best once you understand your options, needs, and goals.
Learn MoreAdvice If You’re Considering an HBCU
Top Tips from HBCU Admissions Reps Across the Country
- Start researching HBCUs now.
- You can reach out to campus reps, alumni, and current students.
- Challenge yourself academically.
- No matter your interests or grades, there’s an HBCU for you.
- Make sure your admissions essay really reflects you!
- It’s never too early to start applying for scholarships.
- HBCUs are an opportunity for you to explore the diversity of Blackness.